Nickolas Bleykhman

Nickolas Bleykhman profile photo

Undergraduate Student at UNC Chapel Hill | 2026 Graduation | Python | Java | C | HTML | CSS | SQL | R | Data Analytics

About Me

Hey, I’m Nickolas! πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

πŸ‘“ Here's the shorter story of who I am: I'm a Hoosier turned Tar Heel studying Computer Science and Data Science at UNC Chapel Hill who happens to be a ballroom dance enthusiast. 🩡 🐏

πŸ” Here's the longer story:

From a young age, my parents constantly exposed me to the newest technological trends. I played video games on the latest generation consoles, experimented with the newest version of Windows on my mom’s desktop, and even dabbled in games on her flip phone and eventually iPhone. This constant exposure to technology piqued my interest in computer science as I grew older. I became curious about how these various electronics worked and what lay behind all the beautiful images I saw when I played Minecraft. It’s these experiences, coupled with the growth of artificial intelligence, that shaped my aspirations to study computer science and data science.

My lifelong goal has been a career in artificial intelligence and machine learning, primarily pursued through my studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Coding for Data track of the UNC Global Career Accelerator Program. My interests also extend into data analytics, software engineering, and information technology.

My dance journey has taken me across the US and abroad, allowing me to connect with different people and cultures to gain diverse perspectives on various issues. 🌎

My time as a lifeguard proved invaluable, thrusting me into uncomfortable and stressful situations that required me to remain calm and level-headed to handle potentially dangerous situations as part of a team. ⛑️

These experiences have shaped me immensely and laid a solid groundwork for how I collaborate and strategize with fellow peers to overcome obstacles and innovate the world around us.

Meet a New Tar Heel Interview


Computer Science


Data Science


Programming Languages

python logo


java logo


c logo


html logo


r logo


sql logo



tableau logo


command line logo

Command Line

git logo

Git Version Control

jupyter logo

Jupyter Notebook

intellij logo


microsoft office logo

Microsoft Office

vscode logo

Visual Studio Code

vim logo


aws logo


docker logo

Docker Container

pytorch logo


